Public conferences

Two public conferences will be given on Friday 15th of March :

9AM - 10:30 AM

Cédric Sueur

Cédric Sueur is associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) at the University of Strasbourg since 2011. He is mainly working on animal behaviour and specifically on social networking and decision-making in animal groups at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien. He got the Young Scientist Award from the French Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour in 2013 and the Primates Social Impact Award in 2017. He is also fellow of the University of Strasbourg - Institute for Advanced Study. He manages the master of Animal Ethcs and law as well as co-manage the master of Ecophysiology and Ethology at the University of Strasbourg. 


In the context of our relationship with animals, anthropomorphism is defined as the attribution of human characteristics such as intentions, feelings, and emotions to animals of different species, and this, irrespective of our knowledge of the ethology of the species. This kind of cognitive ability for projection would have evolved in the human being so that humans could better understand the world around them and thus better interact with it. However, we see today that this anthropomorphism, which should no longer be used as a precautionary principle, is becoming more and more in systematic use in our relationships with animals. The question that arises is whether the unfounded overuse of these concepts allows us to better manage the welfare of animal species and their representatives or on the contrary, hinders our relationship with them.

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